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     Bringing Yesterday's Classics to Today's Children                 @mainlesson.com

What Texts We Publish

Each e-text published on this site must satisfy these requirements:

  1. It must be in the public domain or permission must have been granted by the holder of the copyright to include it. All books published in the United States before 1923 are in the public domain, but other books may be also. For more details see Frequently Asked Questions at The On-Line Books Page site.

  2. The e-text must be based on a printed text. Bibliographic information about the printed text, including author, title, publisher, place of publication, and date of publication should be included in the About This Text section of each e-text. Selection of an edition to transcribe should be made carefully, according to Marc Demarest in his article The Responsible Preparation of Electronic Literary Texts.

  3. The printed text must be in English. The work may have originally been published in English or it may have been translated into English from another language.

  4. The printed text on which the e-text is based must be deemed to be a classic for children. Admittedly, this is a subjective criterion, but when I see the same book mentioned over and over again in the sources I have come to know and trust, then I know the book is a classic.

Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Lisa Ripperton. All Rights Reserved.